Saturday, March 27, 2010

Laysan Duck Surveys

Each week we perform a Whole Atoll Survey of the seeps and wetlands that are most likely to contain Laysan Ducks. The surveys start at sunup with one of us doing the survey on Eastern Island and another volunteer on Sand Island. They are timed so there is less chance that ducks will be counted twice if they fly between seeps. On Eastern Island the survey is not quite as rushed as there are fewer seeps to visit and there is less time spent moving between wetlands. At each stop we do a count of the total number of ducks and try to determine how many are banded and how many are unbanded. If there is any time left we read and record as many bands as possible. The Laysan Duck has a very restricted range which now consists of Midway Atoll and Laysan Island. They were found on other islands in the Hawaiian chain in the past. They are one of the rarest waterfowl species on the planet with a total world population of about 1,000 birds. It is a treat to work with such a rare bird.

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